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Ep. 92 – The RUNATL Podcast with Guests Kate & Justin Arsenault

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week on the RUNATL Podcast we welcome Kate and Justin Arsenault, along with being educators and high-performance athletes in their own right, they’re the brains and brawn behind the local athletic brand RNNR and the new Atlanta Grand Prix!

RUNATL Podcast

Hello, Friends,

We all enjoy being around those persons who, simply, exude and pursue purpose and getting the most out of life.  And, for sure, such is the case with Kate and Justin Arsenault, who joins us as our Featured Conversation this episode.  Along with being educators and high-performance athletes in their own right, they’re the brains and brawn behind the local athletic brand RNNR and the new Atlanta Grand Prix!

In this episode, we’ll cover the nuances of the supply chain these days, the creativity needed for new events to stand out from the crowd of virtual activity, the benefits and burdens of entrepreneurship, and the beauty of working with your spouse…  How is that for a gamut?!?


Here are the Show Notes:

To get a solid overview of the brand and the merchandise that makes RNNR cool and a valued supplier partner of BPRC, please use this link:

To learn more about the race that started it all for Justin and Kate, please click here:

To get all the details on the Atlanta Grand Prix, please visit the following:

To learn more about the gushing done over Tinkertown Pies, check this out:

As always, thank you for listening… and for all your support.  YOU are why this journey is still so satisfying…  We so sincerely hope to see you soon!  In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!

– Mike