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Ep. 89 – The RUNATL Podcast with Guest Richard Bullock

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week on the RUNATL Podcast we welcome the Director of the film, “RUN”, Richard Bullock.  RUN tells a story of the unwavering human spirit, empowerment and fearless bravery as refugee athletes from the Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, and Morocco come together to represent more than 70 million forcibly displaced people around the world.

RUNATL Podcast

Hello, Friends,

We continue to adapt to the requirements associated with Covid-19… and keep those most substantially affected by this virus in our hearts and prayers.  We will get to the other side of this.  We will be better for it.  And we are most certainly all in this together.

This is our second episode back – and this is a story about a story that, too, is impacted by the pandemic.  And in a first for the RUNATL Podcast, we’re going to provide you direct, free access to a movie we know you’ll love!  Of course, to best set the stage –  – literally – – we have Director, Richard Bullock, joining us, as he discusses his effort over three (3) years and three (3) continents following the story of the Athlete Refugee Team from the 2016 Olympic Games to when the same Games should have transpired in Tokyo this Summer…  It’s a remarkable story about remarkable strength and remarkable people.  And, yes, it’s all true and still playing out before us!  We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Here are the Show Notes, including a link for the movie:

To learn more about Richard or check out some of his almost unbelievable work, please visit here:

Again, a heartfelt THANK YOU to On Running for helping bring us this story and filmmaking masterpiece!  Learn more about this brand at any BPRC store location or here:

And here is the movie for you and yours for at-home viewing pleasure!  

As always, thank you for listening… and for all your support.  Hang in there, Friends!  YOU are why this journey is still so satisfying…  We so sincerely hope to see you soon!  In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!

– Mike