Hello, Friends!
We’re in this for the long run… This is a lifetime achievement… It gets better with age… These are all phrases that have application to this special episode with some very special persons! More specifically, we proudly bring you this “Fitness, Running & Longevity” episode so all of us can live out our best Pedestrian-Active Lifestyle for a lifetime!
Due to our busy schedule right before the Thanksgiving Holiday, we had to record the intro and outro after a morning meeting in D2’s Jeep Wrangler. (Apologies for the audio quality.) While we’re no James Corden doing “Carpool Karaoke” or Jerry Seinfeld doing “Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee”, we were safely parked just outside our Marietta location.Here are the Show Notes… Enjoy! And thank you for being part of the fun!
SHOW NOTES for Episode #42
Here’s a link to the article we cited at the onset of our interview.
Here’s the track meet Kermitt references that is world-renowned and still the pursuit of every amateur track-and-field athlete to this day, The Penn Relays.
‘Tis the season! Here are links to make your holiday shopping easy!
Again, thank you for listening!
Of course, we will be back in just two (2) weeks! In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!
– Mike