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this program was wonderful in how straightforward it was

Just wanted to thank you for such an awesome job with this [RUNATL 10K Training]. From the videos to the Wednesday evening virtual sessions, the resources and program y’all put together were great!
For years I’ve struggled to get back into running due to a lack of structure and inevitable injuries when not following a plan. But this made it so easy to digest and follow a framework, and the information about stretching and cross-training closed a loop for me I could never quite grasp. There’s just so much information out there, but this program was wonderful in how straightforward it was. Just logging and following my progress on Strava made a world of difference for my motivation. It’s all about celebrating the small wins.
Due to the program, I’m hoping to do a few more 10Ks and then plan to train for a half-marathon. A full marathon is on my bucket list, and this program has helped me see that with proper equipment, information, and a plan that’s definitely possible for me. Thanks, again, for all of your work on putting this together.
Onwards and upwards! Cheers!
Osmar Padilla